Biden's Border Crisis erupts

Last night on Hannity, Lindsey Graham told Hannity that he'll be part of a Senate delegation to visit the border facilities on Friday. Sen. Graham further told Hannity that he'd better be granted access to the housing facilities, adding that they'll shut down the Senate if they aren't granted access. The tipping point has been reached. Sen. Graham added to Sara Carter's reporting on the overcrowding at these detention facilities. Carter obtained a whistleblower's email that said, in part, "The overcrowding is inhumane, especially for the children. Pod 3A is designed to hold 80 people and on this day we have 694 unaccompanied children with two agents maintaining custody. That is 867% of the stated capacity of this detention space. The agents cannot possibly provide for the care, health and safety of aliens in our custody, nor can we reasonably do so for ourselves." Here's videotape of Sen. Graham's interview with Hannity: I've been pushing for elected Republican politicians to show up at these facilities and force the issue with the Biden administration since last weekend. Good for Sen. Cruz and Sen. Graham to push this issue. Putting 694 children in a facility meant to hold 80 kids is worse than inhumane. The videotape doesn't show kids behind wire. It just shows kids in plexiglass pods. This is the 2021 version of the 2014 'kids-in-cages' pictures:
Secretary Mayorkas should be terminated immediately for putting kids in situations like this. This is beyond inhumane.


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